Iranian Ninja Women

This is a captivating story that I first found out about couple of months back in ‘The Metro’. There’s always been something mystical about the legendary Ninja & after watching some footage of these women in action it made me feel like I’d seen something from a different time. Their dexterity, flexibility & strengths are apparent in the backflips they pull off with ease. This clip then goes on to show them concealed in dry leaves camouflaged completely then emerging with lightning speed. It’s all quite surreal & it really does challenge perceptions about how women are treated in the Muslim world. This is a clash of cultures that seems to contradict a lot of the propaganda we are fed about pretty much any country outside of Europe & the United States. The Iranian Ninjutsu School currently boasts’ over 3,500 women members & that number will only look to increase after the recent spate of media exposure. I can’t help asking myself if these women were coerced into making a film how amazing it would be?! I hope this post will prompt you to find out more about this interesting story, as ever the video is posted bellow. Bless